
Duissonanzen is a documentary film project that portrays creative people of this city. An archive of the people living and working here, who are the real heart, the hidden power of this city.

Duisburg thinks so little of its own potential, its own creative power. It prefers to see its tender offspring as weeds – and itself far too rarely as what it is: a unique melting pot of cultures, an international biotope of creativity that in recent decades has produced an ever-growing and changing genuine artistic scene that is second to none. Colorful and creative is something that is often emphasized in public discourse, only to be lost in persistent negative self-perception and stereotypical categorization in the next moment.

Duissonanzen wants to show that we are not dependent on renowned artists from elsewhere, who are gladly engaged to leave a little shine for a short time in the hope of a better image for the city. Duissonanzen focuses on artists and creative people from Duisburg to show that this city is very well capable of shining out of itself.

We will publish completed films from this series on this website.

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