
We want to bring the great variety of socio-cultural activities in Duisburg closer together. For networking purposes, we organize a large initiatives meeting every year. The next one is scheduled to take place in the fall at Stapeltor.

Here on the map you can find some socio-cultural places and initiatives that see themselves as “socio-cultural” in the broadest sense and that we want to make visible.

Click on the icons to get more information!
Stroll through the streets! Visit you!

Legend: click on the symbols!

You also see yourselves as a socio-cultural place, you want to network, you want to be on the map? – Mail us: a mail!

We also want to network beyond Duisburg. For this purpose there is on 21. and 22. May in the Stapeltor the opportunity at the “Conference of Small Places and Free Collectives” of the (by us co-supported) Network X – Network for Art and Social Issues in the Ruhr Area

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