Plate empty? Only crumbs for everyone? Bullshit! The socio-cake is also being kneaded in Duisburg. Minimegazine follows the scent of delicious, socio-cultural ingredients, inside and outside the edges of our plates. The Minimegazine is a real fanzine, a small self-made magazine made of paper and dedicated to obvious topics from the wide field of socioculture. Five minimegazines are created with the plan to fill the plate. And beyond: after all, we want more than crumbs, even more than cake.
Not everything is in sugar yet, many things do not taste good to us. There is still a lot of hacking, chopping, stirring and tasting to be done before the table is ours. The MMZ is available free of charge at many socio- and cultural venues and can simply be taken along and given away. The Minimegazine is a joint project of Stapeltor, Lokal Harmonie and KUKSTDU e.V. and all participating initiatives and authors. Therefore, many thanks to all who contribute to the Minimegazines. Without you, the Socio Cake would not exist!
We count down: